Let's Talk About Sock Quality II
When I made a pivot from selling clothing to selling men's socks, I knew right then I had something good going on! I started selling men's socks and knew that quality was a major factor in keeping men happy and giving their socks longevity. What I found important was that in men's socks, the heel and toe were major factors in their buying habits besides style and color. They wanted something that would last without wearing out quickly.
The heel and toe are usually the first to go when worn often. How do I know? Ha! you should see some of my socks both dress and casual, OOP, too late, I've updated all of my socks and rid myself and sock drawer of the holies. Don't take my word for it, just take a look around your sock drawer and over there in the corner, you'll know it's time for something. Besides comfortability, the above were key factors in keeping men happy and their sock drawer up to date.
Be sure to stop by and order your favorite pair of socks.